Traditional Method to Teaching English
The traditional approach to teaching English
is represented by the procedure
of presentation, practice, and production (PPP)
Language learning according to this approach
has been regarded as a process of mastering
a succession of steps, each one building on the
one before
Teachers present the target language
in ready-to-assimilate pieces, starting with
the easy parts and gradually moving towards
the harder parts
Learners must master each part and
incorporate it into their knowledge of the target language
The first stage of this approach - the presentation stage –
often focuses on a single point of grammar,
or the realization of a function,
usually presented explicitly in a context
This stage is assumed to develop an understanding
of the language point in the learner
Presentation is followed by controlled practice,
presumed to enable learners to use and
automatize the newly grasped rule or pattern
At the production stage, often called the
“free stage,” the learner is expected to reproduce
the target language more spontaneously and flexibly